Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2018

My TOEFL with Muhammad Abdu (1722201034 and 1722201098)

The American building revolution

A distinctively American architecture began with Frank Lloyd Wright, who had taken to heart the admonition that form should follow function and who thought of buildings not as separate architectural entities but as parts of an organic whole that included the land, the community, and the society. In a very real way the houses of colonial New England and some of the southern plantations had been functional, but Wright was the first architect to make functionalism the authoritative principle for public as well as for domestic buildings. As early as 1906 he built the Unity Temple in Oak Park, Illinois, the first of those churches that did so much to revolutionize ecclesiastical architecture in the United States. Thereafter he turned his genius to such miscellaneous structures as houses, schools, office buildings, and factories, among them the famous Larkin Building in Buffalo, New York, and the Johnson Wax Company building in Racine, Wisconsin.

Revolusi Bangunan Amerika

Arsitektur khas Amerika dimulai oleh Frank Lloyd Wright, yang telah dikenal bahwa bentuk harus mengikuti fungsi dan siapa yang berpikir bangunan tidak dipisahkan oleh arsitektur tetapi sebagai bagian keseluruhan organik yang termasuk tanah, masyarakat, dan kumpulan masyarakat. Dalam cara yang sangat nyata ,rumah-rumah kolonial New England dan beberapa perkebunan Selatan telah berfungsi, tetapi Wright adalah arsitek pertama yang membuat fungsionalisme prinsip otoritatif untuk umum juga domestik. Sejak 1906, ia membangun Persatuan Candi di Oak Park, Illinois, gereja-Gereja yang pertama dari yang melakukan begitu banyak merevolusi arsitektur gereja di Amerika Serikat. Kemudian menggunakan kejeniusannya untuk struktur yang berbeda-bedaseperti rumah, sekolah, bangunan perkantoran dan pabrik-pabrik, di antaranya Gedung Larkin terkenal di Buffalo, New York, dan perusahaan bangunan Johnson Wax di Racine, Wisconsin.

Part One

Reading Comprehension
Direction: In this Section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by a number of questions about it. You are to choose the one best answer : (A), (B), (C), or (D) to each question. Then on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. This section in designed to measure your ability to read and understand passages. Answer all question about the information ion a passage on the basis what is implied or stated in the passage.

Read the following passage:
Line 1 Independent colleges and universities are private or nonprofit institutions. Tangerang Muhammadiyah University is an example of many independent colleges and universities originated as religion-related institution affiliated with religious group “Muhammadiyah”. The most common independent colleges and universities include (1) liberal art institutions that offer comprehensive undergraduate education, (2) technical or specialized institutions that prepare students in engineering arts, music, nursing and other fields and (3) large universities that include undergraduate programs in addition to graduate and professional schools.
Question 1:
What is the characteristic of Independent colleges and universities?
(A)   They are non-private
(B)   They are private
(C)   They are sate governed
(D)   They are dependent
According to the passage line 1, independent colleges and universities are private or non profit institutions, so independent colleges and universities are private. Therefore, you should choose (B)

Now let’s begin to do the reading test.
1. The phrase “taken to heart” in line 1 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
(A)  Taken seriously
(B)  Criticized
(C)  Memorized
(D)  Taken offence
Answer: A → Taken seriously
Discussion: The phrase taken to heart is a form of idiomatic expression and means "to do it wholeheartedly / seriously".

2. In what way did Wright’s public buildings differ from most of those built by earlier architects?
(A)  They were built on a larger scale.
(B)  Their materials came from the southern United States.
(C)  They looked more like private homes.
(D)  Their designs were based on how they would be used.

Answer :  D → Their designs were based on how they would be used.Discussion: In the sentence "... that form should follow function ..." indicates that the design should be based on its function, what the building will be used for and such answers are found in option D.

 3. The author mentions the Unity Temple because, it
(A)  was Wright’s first building
(B)  influenced the architecture of subsequent churches
(C)  demonstrated traditional ecclesiastical architecture
(D)  was the largest church Wright ever designed
Answer :  B → influenced the architecture of subsequent churchesDiscussion: In the sentence this question states that the building greatly influences the design of subsequent buildings. Answers containing similar ideas are in choice B.
4. The passage mentions that all of the following structures were built by Wright EXCEPT
(A)  factories
(B)  public buildings
(C)  offices
(D)  southern plantations

Answer :  D → southern plantations , in line five paragraph oneDiscussion: In the last sentence it is clear that o ffi ces, factories and public building, including churches are his works. Whereas South Plantations is not the result of his work because it was designed by the previous person as mentioned in the reading.

5. Which of the following statements best reflects one of Frank Lloyd Wright’s architectural principles?
(A)  Beautiful design is more important than utility.
(B)  Ecclesiastical architecture should be derived from traditional designs.
(C)  A building should fit into its surroundings.
(D)  The architecture of public buildings does not need to be revolutionary

Answer : C → A building should fit into its surroundings.
Discussion: Sentences "as’’ the parts of an organic whole that is included in the land, the community, and the society" states that buildings should be considered as part of the whole environment and the surrounding community so that in other words the building must be in accordance with its environment.

6. Who started a typical American building ?
(A)  Frank Lloyd Wright
(B)  Frank Wright Lloyd 
(C)  Johnson Wax
(D)  Wisconsin
Answer  : A → Frank Lloyd Wright in line one paragraph one
Discussion: Because in the above article it was explained that the figure of Frank Lloyd Wright was the one who started the typical American building.

7. Since when did Wright make functionalism an authoritative principle for the public as well as domestic ?
(A)  since 2018
(B)  since 1960
(C)  since 1609
(D)  since 1906
Answer : D → since 1906 in line seven paragraph one
Discussion: according to the seventh row of the first paragraph Wright started it since 1906
8. where is Larkin Building built ?
(A)  Larkin build was built in Oak Park
(B)  Larkin build was built in Buffalo, New York
(C)  Larkin build was built in Illinois
(D)  Larkin build was built in England
Answer : B → Larkin build was built in Buffalo, New York in line ten paragraph one
Discussion: according to the tenth row of the first paragraph of the Larkin building built in Buffalo, New York
9. what is the principle of building by Frank Lloyd Wright?
(A)  the principle for domestic buildings
(B)  the authoritative principle for public 
(C)  the authoritative principle 
(D)  all answers are correct
Answer : D → all answers are correct 
Discussion: according to the sixth row of the first paragraph of the principle used by Frank Lloyd Wright is an authoritative principle for the public as well as domestic
10. Where he built the Temple Association?
(A)  was built in Oak Park
(B)  all answers are correct
(C)  was built in Illinois
(D)  was built in Buffalo, New York
Answer : A → was built in Oak Park in line seven paragraph one
Discussion: according to the seventh row of the first paragraph of the temple square built in Oak Park

Structural engineering
Structural engineers are responsible for engineering design and structural analysis. Entry-level structural engineers may design the individual structural elements of a structure, such as the beams and columns of a building. More experienced engineers may be responsible for the structural design and integrity of an entire system, such as a building.
Structural engineers often specialize in particular types of structures, such as buildings, bridges, pipelines, industrial, tunnels, vehicles, ships, aircraft and spacecraft. Structural engineers who specialize in buildings often specialize in particular construction materials such as concrete, steel, wood, masonry, alloys and composites, and may focus on particular types of buildings such as offices, schools, hospitals, residential, and so forth.
Structural engineering has existed since humans first started to construct their own structures. It became a more defined and formalized profession with the emergence of the architecture as distinct profession from the engineering during the industrial revolution in the late 19th century. Until then, the architect and the structural engineer were usually one and the same thing – the master builder. Only with the development of specialized knowledge of structural theories that emerged during the 19th and early 20th centuries, did the professional structural engineers come into existence.
The role of a structural engineer today involves a significant understanding of both static and dynamic loading, and the structures that are available to resist them. The complexity of modern structures often requires a great deal of creativity from the engineer in order to ensure the structures support and resist the loads they are subjected to. A structural engineer will typically have a four or five year undergraduate degree, followed by a minimum of three years of professional practice before being considered fully qualified. Structural engineers are licensed or accredited by different learned societies and regulatory bodies around the world (for example, the Institution of Structural Engineers in the UK). Depending on the degree course they have studied and/or the jurisdiction they are seeking licensure in, they may be accredited (or licensed) as just structural engineers, or as civil engineers, or as both civil and structural engineers. Another international organisation is IABSE(International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering).[3] The aim of that association is to exchange knowledge and to advance the practice of structural engineering worldwide in the service of the profession and society.

For session 2, the part of the task I did was Muhammad Abdu. still keep up

Part Two
Structure and Written Expression
Direction : In this section you will see four underlined words or phrases (A), (B), (C), (D) in each sentence. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentences to be correct. Then on your answer sheet, find the number of the section and fill the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
Look at the following example:          
Tsunami science were invented for tsunami risk reduction.
      A                                       B                C                                  D                    
The sentence should read: “Tsunami science was invented for tsunami risk reduction. Therefore, you should choose (B)

Pertemuan ke 14 mata kuliah bahasa inggris semster 2


today at the fourteenth meeting in english leason just presentaton and reminded about home work. and today farries and bagas group went forward to present their toefl. and after farries and bagas group finish to peresent toefel miss rella corrected the articles after corrected their toefel. miss rella reminded about home work because must finished when the exam day.

Pertemuan ke 13 mata kuliah bahasa inggris semester 2


at the thirteenth meeting, today is just continued the presentation their toefl assignments but he used just one article for reading or structure but that didn't matter according to MR. Zul. there were so many who had to be improved in the reading section.

Pertemuan ke 12 mata kuliah bahasa inggris semester 2


at the twelfth meeting, today MR Zul as a lecturer in the morning asked toefl assignments to other groups but no one group was ready for the presentation. as a result MR Zul discussed the toefl again and asked the students whether they understood or not.

Pertemuan ke 11 mata kuliah bahasa inggris semester 2


at eleventh meeting, I was present in the morning class and at that time there was a toefl exam which contained 50 questions per question and the total problem was 150. but at that time MS.Rella and Mr. Zul is absent and the supervisor is another lecture

Pertemuan ke 10 mata kuliah bahasa inggris semester 2


the tenth meeting, Ana and Agnia groups advanced to present their assignments, there was only a slight correction from the lecturers and the rest was good.

Pertemuan ke 9 mata kuliah bahasa inggris semester 2


at nineth meeting I attended the morning class. And the teaching is mr.zalzulifa, me and ega come forward to present the reading test and strucrture. after being discussed with mr.zalzulifa there is a slight correction in my material but overall our team is quite good

Pertemuan ke 8 mata kuliah bahasa inggris semester 2


at eight meeting, Today is a meeting after midterm or UTS. And today is a presentation from the groups of Feru Zabadi and Danu Erlangga. Just like the group in the previous week. Everyone was asked one by one whether the questions from Feru and Danu were correct or not. And by chance the lecturer who taught in the morning at yesterday's meeting was MS. Rella.

pertemuan ke 7 mata kuliah bahasa inggris semester 2


Today is The Midterm. The problem in Mid Test now is from structure test on Toefl Book . Mr. Zul asked to us for putting the reason why you are chose the answer. But many of my friends doesn't write it down. but me, almost all is done but not 'at all' (?) Because of time managed it's to hard for answering without using a dictionary. the problem is, my English language is just only knows and understands, but it's hard to express some opinions.. god luck for you all,,,

Pertemuan ke 6 mata kuliah bahasa inggris semester 2


at the six meeting, I was present in the night class. And the teaching is mr zalzulifa. no group is ready to display the task to make the reading test and structure. only mr.anggi and mr.slamet who appeared fore that any material that is made not yet complete

Pertemuan ke 5 mata kuliah bahasa inggris semester 2


at the fifth meeting, I was present in the morning class and the coincidence that the teaching was mr zalzulifa.pada that one group of dona and nindi forward to present the question of reading and structure for the exercises make toefl.untuk he early present well with just a little wrong material , the rest is good.

Pertemuan ke 4 mata kuliah bahasa inggris semseter 2


Today Mr. Zul absent again because he's so busy and Ms. Rella who's replace him, Ms. Rella discuss about how to compose a Toefl book what Mr. Zul gave to us. In that book has a text with some paragraph and all of us got ones to read them.

Pertemuan ke 3 mata kuliah bahasa inggris semester 2

Wedneday , July 28, 2018

Today the lecturer in this class is Mr. Zul. Mr. Zul repeats what we will learn in this semester (as in the first meeting or first diary). And Pak Zul told us how low the interest of Indonesians to 'read' in ASEAN. After telling about how low the interest of Indonesians to read, Mr. Zul asked us 'why did you choose civil engineering'. Some people answer: because of the orders from their parents, or because it takes a lot of graduates and decent fees if you become an engineer, or because continuing what they learned from their high school, or because it is their own interest.

Pertemuan ke 2 mata kuliah bahasa inggris semester 2

Wednesday , May 19, 2018

A week ago Mr. Zul told us if next week he absent that mean he went to Nepal and maybe who replace him was Ms. Rella but today Ms. Rella told to Alma she can't came to teach us because she still promoted tourism majors to another high school in Tangerang etc. So no one teaching us and we just use this time for wasting our time for gaming or doing assignment from another lecturers and just write a list of signatures of student attendance.

Pertemuan ke 1 mata kuliah bahasa inggris semster 2

Wednesday 5 may 2018

Time were so fast.. huft. Now I’m in 2nd semester. Today is Wednesday and the first day of English courses in 2nd semester. Our lecturer for today is Mr. Zalzulifa or Mr. Zul the real our English lecturer. because Ms. Rella is just his assistant when he was too busy. The morning class didn't knowing him as much as The night class, so Mr. Zul introduce himself shortly and continue what we learned in this semester. Mr. Zul told us must had blog and connected to his website. so what we learned in this semester is about Toefl in Civil Engineering. And yeah we meet again Toefl, after a few years ago. This Toefl not same with another test Toefl. Usually we just did the test but now we must made a book about Toefl in civil engineering. But we just made structure and reading test not with writing  test and listening test. Today is we made group for made this book. One group with 2 people. And today I'm with M.Abdu . - thanks -