Minggu, 26 November 2017

Pertemuan ke 6 Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris

Wednesday, 8 November 2017 the meeting to my sixth with courses in English. At the meeting this time I got the night. I arrived at the campus at 7 pm. It turns out that the percentage of the task group had really already begun. The group that has been performing well this time is a group of three. With moderator of the Anggi Dwi Rizka. And members of his that is Muh Ravy, Hari Fajar Ramadhan and last is Marsudi. They percentage the article with the theme "Structural Engineering". The article in fact very long. Finally, Mrs.Rella also give a little bit of advice to groups of the next do not look like this article. She said that in the article to be made as short as possible, at least seven sentence. Suddenly in the middle of the atmosphere is focusing on listening to the percentage of, One of a friend we're late it comes to college. And then Tri Widias Moko.  Mrs.Rella also gives a penalty at him. If want to sit down to sing English. In fast Tri Widias said the punishment Mrs.Rella give. Finally he is welcome to sit by Mrs.Rella. Upon entering the time at eight o'clock night, the group 3 to the percentage they present. Percentage finished, break up the course of English on this. 

-bye-     #ekykurniawan

Pertemuan ke 4 Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris

Wednesday, October 25, 2017 a meeting to me with the course of English. In meeting this time I got to college in the morning. Because I work in the afternoon. Same with the previous meeting, Mrs.Rella Dwi Respati, SST, M.M, who taught us. After entering the time at 08:30 am, Mrs. Rella in our classroom. Meeting this time is the percentage of a group task. The first group who performed at this meeting is a group of his Agnia Anggraeni. She himself as the moderator in a presentation this time. Members of this group is Feru Zabadi, Bagas Dipayana, and last Danu Erlangga. They bring the article with the theme of "Civil Engineering". Because this is the appearance of the first time, they're a nervous. Sometimes they still mix English as the Indonesian Language. They still have many mistakes. And Mrs. Rella only give you a little extra to us the audience, including my own, to be more active in more English Language. And the look in the face during the percentage don't turn your back on audience. About an hour through 15 minutes, after spending the material the percentage, finished the course this english. 

-bye-    #ekykurniawan

Pertemuan Ke 3 Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris

Wednesday, October 18 2017 third meeting with the course of English Language. In this meeting I could go back evening classes. I'd like two week meetings, this time is still Mrs. Rella. Dwi Respati SST,M.M, who taught us. In this meeting he gave an example of group presentation. The where in the percentage of the group about the article that was delivered can give you a question 5W+1H and with the answer. She also gave an example to the sentence contained in the article the active or passive. And the last She gave an example sentence that is tenses. And tenses must be clear. We all noticed how we are with Mrs.Rella to explain about the task of this group. In order to be given form an assessment of the class from all of us are listening. Mrs.Rella Said the group that appear next to a better and more active again in English pronunciation.

 -bye-  #ekykurniawan

Rabu, 18 Oktober 2017

Pertemuan ke 2 Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris

Wednesday, 11 october 2017, the second me with English Language. This meeting me at collage night because, I was working the morning in this week. Around 18:45 pm enter a woman to our class. I know him because She was part of lecturers the English Language we also. She is Mrs.Rella Dwi Respati SST, MM. She ask is it there a know me in the class? Some of my friend said not yet, but I my self was know She was in first meeting. And then Mrs.Rella told a story about a little himself to my friend who do not yet know it. After Mrs.Rella Introducing himself, She also tell us that we should make group to the task of the group. We were divided into 7 groups. Any of a group of later on when meeting English Language presented the results of the article already made. Of this article have to containing 7 requirements that of them :
1. Make short stories at least 7 a sentence or half of a page paper. That is where the sentence should be containing tenses his.
2. Make 5WH1 questions and the answer of the article it is.
3. Identify of the article it is a verbal sentence or nominal sentence.
4. Identify tenses sentence of this article.
5. Change the sentence of the article off to passive sentence
6. Translate the sentence
7. Give reasons why writer uses the sentence
After Mrs.Rella expalined the job group, and draw the time and must appear first precentation. In the draw, I am with my group get a turn to week four after UAS is it 22 November 2017. Where precent started two weeks after this. Around at 21:30 completed the english language this second meeting. Mrs.Rella any warning to us and She left space our class.

 -bye-     #ekykurniawan

Minggu, 08 Oktober 2017

Pertemuan ke 1 Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris

On Wednesday, 4 October 2017, at 9 a.m. I started learning courses in English. And then is first. A woman into our classroom. Just a moment ago At her we believe that she is a professor of English we are Mr.Zalzulifa said, Mpd. It turns out that our expectations is not. More like his assistant professors Mr.Zalzulifa. She introduced himself in front of us all. She is Rella Dwi Respati SST,MM. She graduated from college "tourism Sahid" in South Jakarta. She said that "Mr.Zalzulifa' a busy is have a work in out of town that can't he live, so for today's meeting me in charge". After Mrs.Rella to introduce myself in front of us all, the time has come, so that we all students of Civil Engineering to introduce myself in front of Mrs.Rella. From 31 The students were present at today just a few who introduced himself. Because at the same time also at courses in English this is finished. Finally Mrs.Rella said goodbye to all of us. And next Introduce ourselves in the next week. 

-bye-   #eky kurniawan